
9:15 to 10:00: Doors Open, Coffee, Networking, Booths

10:00 to 11:00: What is carbon footprint?

Opening Keynote
Carbon Literacy as a Climate Solution | Fireside Chat

Michelle Li, Clever Carbon; Martina Donlon, United Nations

What is carbon footprint?! | Presentation
Michelle Li, Clever Carbon

Your new key metric - Parts Per Million! | Presentation
Shannon Hone, Clever Carbon

Global Warming Potential for Newbies | Presentation
Olivia Ryder, Sonoma Technologies

Carbon Removal: What Urgency Looks Like and Why | Presentation
Marty Odlin, Running Tide

Carbon Removal: Fast Cycle, Slow Cycle | Presentation
Jennifer Johnson, Running Tide

Unmasking Methane | Presentation
Sudhanshu Mathur, Environmental Defense Fund

Guided Stretch and In-Seat Networking (5 mins)

11:05 to 12:15: How does carbon footprint show up in my personal life?

Expanding the Power of Personal Action | Presentation
Anne Marie Cruz, The Carbon Almanac Network

Taking Action at Home | Presentation
Lori Sullivan, One Shade Greener

Small to Substantial Energy Shifts | Presentation
George Kontaroudis, New York Passivehouse

Paying Attention to Plastic | Presentation
Devana Ng, Invisible Company

Leveraging our Money to Make an Impact | Panel
Eva Forde, Rich Social Worker; Bonnie Gurry, GreenPortfolio; Jennifer Sullo, Earth Finance, William (Bill) Peterson, Amalgamated Bank

Lifelong Mastery & Venturing Out | Presentation
Anna Cosentino, Connect the Carbon Dots

Tracking Our Progress (Apps to Engage) | Panel
Lori Sullivan, One Shade Greener; Alessandro Armillotta, AWorld; Fifer Garbesi, ValuesCo; Sophie Janaskie, Commons

Political and Community Engagement | Presentation
Anne Marie Cruz, The Carbon Almanac Network

12:15 to 1:00: Lunch

1:00 to 2:30: How does carbon footprint show up in my professional life?

Empowering Consumer Action through Data and Transparency | Panel
Michelle Li, Clever Carbon; Jackie Moore, Mastercard; Aileen Lerch, Allbirds

The Carbon Imperative for Businesses | Panel
Nicole Sullivan, Carbon Better; Anna Lerner, Climate Collective; Sarabeth Brockley, Nasdaq

Carbon Accounting 101 & Demystifying the Net-Zero Equation | Presentation
Nicole Sullivan, Carbon Better

Carbon Accounting: Best Practices & Challenges | Panel
Nicole Sullivan, Carbon Better; Ana Moro, Bloomberg; Alyssa Rade, Sustain.Life

The ABCs of Carbon Disclosures | Presentation
Nicole Sullivan, Carbon Better

Navigating Carbon Credits: Quality Criteria, Removals, and Beyond | Panel
Anna Lerner, Climate Collective; Sarabeth Brockley, Nasdaq; Anete Garoza, 1MT Nation; Hayley Moller, Thallo

How Do You Buy Carbon Credits? | Presentation
James E. Mister, Carpera Advisory

Closing Keynote (~2:10pm)
NBA's Carbon Literacy Journey | Fireside Chat
Michelle Li, Clever Carbon; Annie Horn, NBA