Speaker Application
This form is for invited speakers.
For general applications, please use this form.
Event Overview
The Carbon Newbie Summit is a casual conference for carbon newbs interested in getting the 101, 201, and 301 on carbon. From personal to professional carbon footprint, attendees walk away with tools and inspiration to take action on reducing emissions!
The summit program will include 3 key sections:
What is carbon footprint
How does carbon footprint show up in my personal life
How does carbon footprint show up in my professional life
Speaker Profile
We’re looking for speakers that are knowledgeable about carbon footprint in general and how carbon footprint impacts our personal and professional lives. Every talk (for the most part) will be through a carbon footprint and climate action lens. If you have experience, insights, ideas, on how carbon footprint can be utilized or is utilized today, we would love to hear from you!
Selection Process
Application for speakers opens on June 30th and will close August 11th. We will be selecting speakers on a rolling basis as applications come in. Please use the form below to tell us what you’d like to bring to the audience when it comes to carbon literacy, carbon footprint, and climate action!