Thursday, Sept 21 | 9:30 am to 2pm | IndieBio Office near Penn Station


Reserve spots for your employees through our Corporate Delegation Program

A casual conference for carbon newbies interested in getting the 101, 201, and maybe 301 on carbon during New York Climate Week.

From personal to professional carbon footprint, attendees walk away with tools and inspiration to take action on reducing emissions!

Hosted by:

In-Kind Venue Sponsor

"As hundreds of climate rookies and I learned while co-creating The Carbon Almanac, undoing the havoc wreaked by carbon emissions isn't a me problem, it's a we problem. The Carbon Newbie Summit can give you the tools and the community to do your part — no experience required."

Seth Godin

Founding Editor, The Carbon Almanac

"Understanding the causes and impacts of carbon emissions is the starting point for action. Informed individuals can drive change. The Carbon Newbie Summit is a welcome initiative to equip more people with the knowledge and tools to take action and speak up for bigger change."

Martina Donlon

Climate Lead and ActNow Campaign Manager, United Nations Department of Global Communications


9:30 am: Coffee & Networking

10:00 am: What is carbon footprint?!

11:00 am: How does carbon show up in my personal life

12:00 pm: Lunch

1:00 pm: How does carbon show up in my professional life

2:00 pm: Coffee & Networking

*preliminary times

Topics Covered

The summit aims to target three main topics:

What is carbon footprint?

How does carbon footprint show up in my personal life?

How does carbon footprint show up in my professional life?

Topics we’d like to cover:

  • Carbon literacy

  • The role of oceans

  • Carbon footprint of food, commute, flying, home energy

  • Cities

  • Carbon Credits

  • Carbon Offsets

  • Carbon labels

  • Carbon accounting (Scope 1, Scope 2, Scope 3)

  • Net-Zero

  • ESG

"We forget that you can’t be an expert in every new problem you set out to solve. Managing the rapidly changing landscape of carbon markets needs people who ask better questions, lead with curiosity and are addicted to learning. The Carbon Newbie Summit is much needed to cultivate and inspire these individuals."

Sarabeth Brockley

Lead Advisor- ESG and Carbon Strategy, Nasdaq

"Getting started in climate can be intimidating. The Carbon Newbie Summit aims to create a welcoming space curing NYC Climate Week for those new to climate and provide a strong foundation of knowledge and skills for accelerated and impactful climate action."

Michelle Li

Founder, Carbon Newbie Summit, Clever Carbon, Women and Climate


Michelle Li
Clever Carbon
Carbon Literacy

Ana Moro
Corporate Carbon Footprint

Lori Sullivan
One Shade Greener
Personal Carbon Footprint

Bonnie Gurry
Financed Emissions

Anne Marie Cruz
The Carbon Almanac
Personal Carbon Footprint

Anna Cosentino
The Carbon Almanac
Connect the Carbon Dots
Personal Climate Action

Katherine Gomes
Clean Energy Conversions Lab
Carbon Footprint

Hayley Moller
Corporate Sustainability

James Mister
Carpera Advisory
Carbon Markets

Shannon Hone
Clever Carbon
Carbon Footprint

Martina Donlon
United Nations Department of Global Communications
Climate Education

Sarabeth Brockley
ESG and Capital Markets

Annie Horn
National Basketball Association
Carbon Literacy

Jackie Moore
Consumer Education

Alessandro Armillotta
Personal Carbon Footprint

Aileen Lerch
Carbon Labeling

Olivia Ryder
Sonoma Technology
Greenhouse Gases

Olivia Ryder
Sonoma Technology
Greenhouse Gases

Corporate Delegations

Did you know employees outside of your ESG and sustainability team are highly interested in climate change and want to learn more?

The Carbon Newbie Summit is the perfect opportunity to reward your employees and allow them to:

1) Partake in NYC Climate Week
2) Attend a summit geared just for them
3) Bring learnings back to the company and inspire others to start their journey

Corporate delegations will receive reserved seats, special name tags, logo and recognition on our website, among other perks!


The Carbon Newbie Summit is a place where professionals and individuals who are newer to climate can get the lowdown on all things carbon. Learn from experts, network with attendees, and walk away with concrete actions on how you can help reduce our impact on the planet.

Founding partners

Our goal at clever carbon is to raise carbon footprint literacy in a hip and fun way. By understanding and quantifying our impact through carbon footprint data, consumers can make informed decisions #carbonlabels will become mainstream. Our 2 min carbon footprint quiz helps people understand where their impact comes from, and helps them get started on their journey towards #clevercarbondecisions

The Carbon Almanac is a once-in-a-lifetime collaboration between hundreds of writers, researchers, thinkers, and illustrators that focuses on what we know, what has come before, and what might happen next. Almanacs have been around since Benjamin Franklin, and even in the age of the web, they serve a useful function. Collecting relevant tables, facts, explanations, lists and history in a format that’s easy to reference and share gives us a chance to agree on what we agree on, a common foundation for moving forward.

CarbonBetter® helps businesses align environmental and financial goals when navigating the transition to a net-zero emissions future by measuring, reducing, reporting, and offsetting greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in a transparent way, supporting clients at every stage of their sustainability journey. We are part of a rapidly accelerating shift that will transform companies of all sizes and types. When one company makes a move in the right direction, others will too—and these incremental changes add up to massive impacts. Together, step by step, we’re building a movement.

Stay tuned for more!